How to Prepare and Train for a Marathon

Many people around the world love to participate in marathons. Every runner has their own reason for running the entire distance of a marathon. Perhaps they are doing it as a personal challenge, to prove to themselves that they can do it. Or maybe they want to participate to raise money for a certain charity, or to help them get back into fitness etc. Whatever the reason, there are a few similar things that most runners do to prepare and train for an upcoming marathon.

How to Prepare and Train for a Marathon

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Many feel that as long as they have prepared themselves, nothing will get in their way. They will be able to cross the finish line with a huge grin on their faces and not an ounce of regret anywhere in sight. So, how do you prepare yourself for a marathon?

Build a Support System

If you plan on running a marathon, having a good support system around you might be the necessary burst of enthusiasm you need to make it. Tell your friends and family about your plans. Once aware, they will try their best to encourage you to succeed. This is especially useful for your mental health and it will help you to complete the marathon knowing that you’re backed by all of your loved ones.

Know your Limits

Participating in a marathon is usually a strenuous and exhausting task. It is important to be aware of your limits. Understand that pushing yourself to do better and run faster is fine, but you must know your own finish line. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself or your body. Consult with your physician beforehand and start off small, running shorter races before jumping straight into the marathon. This will help you to physically prepare yourself and your body for the big run.

Build your Immune System

Before running long distances, or short distances for that matter, it is wise to prepare your immune system. Athletes often experience extreme tiredness and fatigue. If you have low iron levels, it is likely that your performance on the big day will also be affected since your red blood cells won’t be able to carry enough oxygen around your body. Iron supplements such as those available from blue iron will re-supply you with iron originally lost through sweat and your feet etc.

Build your Immune System

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Make yourself Achievable Goals

Many athletes like to give themselves specific goals along the training journey. However, you must be careful not to set yourself unreachable goals. Instead, opt for achievable goals and come up with a routine that you are most comfortable with. Women’s Running advises potential marathon participants to not over-work themselves and remember to rest and give their bodies time to recover from the stress of training.