Protecting our lungs from dust

The lungs are vital organs that allow us to breathe, carry oxygen from the atmosphere into the body and then exchanged it for carbon dioxide. Thus, our lungs are very sensitive to what we breathe and if containing dust and other harmful substances, our lungs can be damaged.

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Lungs have a defence mechanism and are able to remove dust particles from our respiratory system. However, if exposure is significant and over long periods of time, damage in the form of lung disease can occur. This is particularly true with asbestos, for example. For help removing asbestos in your property, contact Essex Asbestos Removal at a site like Sperion, an Essex Asbestos Removal.

When we breathe the dust, dust particles enter the nose with some not reaching the lungs at all. The nose is a filter that is effective in stopping most of the larger particles, often forcing it out through sneezing or blowing your nose.

Smaller particles can pass into the throat and air tubes leading to the lungs, called bronchi and bronchioles. Mucous cells ensnare most of the dust and tiny hairs called cilia move the mucus toward the throat, to cough, swallow or spit out.

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Particles small enough to avoid this defence can make it to the inside of the lungs in small air sacs, called alveoli. These sacs are important for how the body absorbs the oxygen it needs.

Dust consists of solid particles of various sizes which are either organic or inorganic. Inorganic dust can be derived from minerals such as rock or soil and metal grinding, as well as asbestos, coal and silica.