What is Multiple Sclerosis?

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a leading neurological disorder marked by an decrease in myelin protein, which is a highly specific substance in the brain that provides the insulation and flexibility needed for the nerves to function normally. Myelin is composed of several structural proteins, a waxy substance that coats the inside of the nervous tissue, and plays an important role in transmitting nerve signals. When myelin is reduced or lost, the nerve transmission becomes abnormal and the nerve malfunction leads to neurological symptoms such as loss of muscle strength, poor handwriting, poor memory, and coordination problems. To help, sufferers often benefit from WAV Vehicles, available from https://clarkemobility.com/

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Multiple Sclerosis is a complex inflammatory disease that involves inflammation of the myelin regions of the nervous tissue. Multiple Sclerosis typically begins with a primary problem, such as a traumatic event, an accident, infection, fever, rash, accident, or stress; however, it can also begin with an environmental or genetic condition such as hypothyroidism, diabetes, obesity, Lupus, and infectious mononucleosis. The body’s immune system generates antibodies that attack the myelin causing plaques in the brain and nervous tissue. The plaques often cause inflammation and damage, disrupting normal functions of the nerve cells and eventually causing severe disability or even death.

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The majority of patients with multiple sclerosis experience first degree symptoms, which are the most basic ones like weakness and muscle weakness. The second degree symptoms are more subtle and can include loss of balance, bladder control, partial paralysis of facial muscles, difficulty speaking, stiffness of the muscles, speech difficulty, and lack of balance. The third degree symptoms are more serious and can include loss of speech, partial paralysis of extremities, total paralysis of limbs and extreme tiredness.