Did you know about these Greek wedding traditions

Each wedding has its own traditions, and none more so than a Greek Orthodox wedding. From the planning right through to the end of the reception, the whole event is full of customs and traditions that you won’t find with any other wedding. Let’s take a look at what to expect from a Greek wedding.

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Importance of dates

You will find an influx of Greek weddings during the months of January and June due to the belief that these are lucky months. In ancient Greece, January was dedicated to the wife of Zeus and Hera, the goddess of marriage and fertility. June became known as a special month due to the Roman translation of Hero to Juno. There are also dates that are considered unlucky due to religious celebrations and events, such as the 40 days before Easter and the 40 days before Christmas.


The wedding officially starts when the bride and groom are given candles, a symbol that they are ready to receive Christ. The candles must always be left to burn out completely, whether in the church of after they have been taken home. The couple will then drink from the common cup, which is a cup of wine to signify mutual sharing throughout their marriage.

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A unique custom involves the wedding crowns. These are made from precious metals or flowers and are attached by a piece of ribbon. They are passed back and forth three times before being removed by the priest after he has blessed the newlyweds.

Smashing plates

Although this custom does not always appear in modern weddings, partly due to the health and safety issues that could arise, some couple like to keep this tradition as part of their wedding. If this is something you would like to include on your big day, it is wise to speak to wedding venues in Essex first, such as http://www.whitehartweddingvenue.co.uk/, to make sure they are on board.


A huge part of a Greek wedding is the traditional dancing that takes place. You may recognise the sirtaki, in which the guests dance in a circle whilst holding hands. The last dance is reserved for the newly-married couple, with their guests throwing or pinning money to their clothes before the wedding comes to an end.