The five key roles in every good web development

Web development projects can completely change the way that companies and businesses promote themselves. A great project will produce new websites, new marketing strategies and new ways to make money. How exactly do they work?

A web development project is just like any other team project. Within the project, there are different individuals with different skills who work together to achieve a common goal. Some roles are more important than others, and some are essential.

Here are the five key roles in every good web development project.

Content Specialist

Some businesses don’t realise it, but content is one of the most important parts of their website. This task is often delegated to someone who isn’t a writer, and this is a huge mistake as the project may end up experiencing delays and poor content. This is why your project should have a content specialist who has experience creating SEO content that will effectively promote your business.

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Marketing Strategist

The marketing strategist will set goals and make sure that the rest of the team is on track. They will also continue to work on the project once the website is launched. This is very important. According to Makin It Happen, having a business and marketing strategy will give the project clarity, focus and direction in addition to a better understanding of your current business.

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A website editor will make sure that your website is fully up to scratch by testing the website to see that it is working and free of errors. They will test everything, including the internal links, external links, calls-to-action and website content. This will ensure that the website is professional and user-friendly.

If you are looking for experienced web designers in Taunton, check out for effective web development projects.

UX Designer

The UX Designer helps to formulate a website strategy by researching the current website to look for errors and possible improvements. Then they will create a blueprint for the new website. Once the blueprint is finished, the UX Designer will develop website templates and designs for the website.

Website Developer

The website developer will build out the website using the web templates, the content and the design plans. They will also test the website to make sure that there are no bugs or issues.