Three improvements that I would like to see soon on Android

The evolution of Android over the years is undeniable. And not only in the graphics but also in functionality. For example, notifications, the biggest advantage of Android, have evolved quite rightly and even see new Android Nougat.

And in Android Nougat awaited things will look like split screen, silent updates or Data saver to save on data consumption. But there are still some features still missing and would like to see soon, hopefully for Android L.

Improved security against theft

In September 2013 Apple introduced a very interesting feature in iOS 7, the so – called “Kill Switch”. Basically it is that you cannot do a factory reset terminal if you do not know the password Apple account that was used. This got the iPhone thefts were reduced drastically.

Google did not lag behind and introduced a similar feature in Android 5.1 Lollipop. When a reset terminal must enter the Google account, even if done from the recovery. The problem is that there are ways to bypass this protection (even with current terminals) and this should not be.

Three improvements that I would like to see soon on AndroidGoogle should improve this mechanism and also force all manufacturers to use it. Hopefully this functionality improves with time and theft of Android terminals once and for all be reduced.

Desktop mode

Another feature I would like to see soon on Android is that there is a desktop mode, where applications may float and the resolution is higher. The reason? Android takeoff and PC platform.

This should be available at any terminal, whether a manufacturer that use Android operating system PC or a mobile that one point is connected to an external display.

The future of Android as a PC can be very promising, but Google should improve certain aspects of the operating system, which today is not focused on these applications. I hope the rumors are saying that, indeed, Android is going to go that route.

Ok Google with the screen turned off

As discussed in the last Google I / O conversational mode of Google Now will improve a lot with Assistant. And this requires a very demanded improvement of Android that you can use the “OK Google” command with the screen off.

Yes, it is true, there are a few terminals that already support it (basically the Nexus, some Samsung and some Motorola). Many think it is because these terminals have a specific hardware that allows “hearing” without spending a lot of battery. And it is true, but so is that many more have that hardware terminals (comes standard on many SoC) and with the screen off command is not available.

The problem is that Google requires two things more than the specific hardware: a specific codecs and certification. And here comes the problem, Google does not seem to be interested in certifying terminals. But if Assistant will be all that is necessary we have promised that we interact with the phone without touching it, not even to unlock it, and Google should allow manufacturers to implement the unblocking voice.