Making Sure that your School Website is Up to Date

When we are looking for something nowadays, the internet is the place to go. Gone are the days of the phonebook, as nowadays the first place we tend to go is to Google. Even when looking for something like the right school for a child, the internet is what parents will go to in order to help them make the right choice of school for their child.

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This is why it is really important for schools to ensure that they are taking part in the digital world and that the information that parents want to find out about prospective schools can be found on their website.

Getting a professional who specialises in designing primary school websites like this is the best place to start. It might be that you have a website, but it needs an overhaul or isn’t being used to its best potential.

Another reason to ensure that you have a good website is because it can also be helpful to parents and children who are already at the school. A well-designed website can facilitate homework and be used to pass on information to parents – no more missed letters scrunched up in kids bags when it is done this way!

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Make sure that the website is easy to use and to navigate too, with clearly marked sections, especially if children will need to access it for things like homework.