What is The Big Knit for Age UK?

In partnership with Innocent

Age UK has partnered with Innocent Smoothies for The Big Knit since 2003. Tiny hats are knitted and posted to Age UK, to be sold on top of Innocent Smoothie bottles as a fundraising move for the charity, with 25p going back to Age UK for every hat knitted.
These valuable funds go back into helping Age UK provide their vital services to support older people in the community. With 1.5 million tiny hats being made for 2022’s Big Knit, this is no small show of work and provides vital support for those who need it.

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Community spirit

Knitting groups are always eager to get involved with the community effort to collect as many tiny hats as possible before the submission deadline. Those new to knitting can find easy-to-follow patterns for the necessary hats, and it provides an avenue for joining local knitting groups to encourage socialisation.

Once the basic skills are in place, often the easiest way is to use a knitting kit, as this provides all the necessary supplies. With that growing confidence (started by the creation of a tiny hat) knitters can progress to a more difficult knitting kit, making something simple like a larger hat, and then on to more complex creations.

How can I take part?

Simply pick up your needles and wool and get knitting! Free patterns are available directly from Innocent, with patterns ranging from those suitable for complete beginners, up to more complicated creations shaped like a lion’s head or a blue tit. Simply choose your design, gather up your wool, and get knitting.

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Once created, pop the hat in the post to Age UK and let them do the rest. Be sure to double-check the deadline for submissions as it changes each year. Alternatively, why not build up a tiny hat collection which you can send off in bulk when the next deadline rolls around? The advantage of tiny hats is that they take up a tiny amount of storage space!