What is the Cause of Male Pattern Baldness?

Male pattern baldness is a condition that occurs when a person’s hair follicles become susceptible to the male sex hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is a byproduct of testosterone, a male hormone that affects the follicles. If the follicle becomes sensitive to DHT, it will stop growing hair. This can be a psychological problem since losing hair can contribute to a decreased sense of self.

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Baldness can be a significant cause of depression and low self-esteem in men. Some of the causes of hair loss include infections, hormonal imbalances, and nutritional deficiencies. The side effects of certain medications can also cause it.

There are a variety of treatments for male pattern baldness. They can include laser therapies, light therapies, and various medications. The treatment will vary from person to person and may be expensive. A doctor can help you choose the best option for you. One popular option is Scalp Micropigmentation Coventry available at a site like hishairclinic.co.uk/scalp-micropigmentation-near-me

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The symptoms of male pattern baldness are thinning or hair loss on the scalp. Most people with the condition experience bald patches gradually growing in size. In some cases, the bald patch develops in the centre of the scalp and joins with the bald patch at the front of the scalp.

Men with male pattern baldness usually have higher levels of the hormone DHT in their blood. When DHT is increased, it binds to the follicles, causing them to shrink. Once the follicles shrink, there is no more extended room for healthy hair to grow.

Many men are genetically predisposed to this condition, and other causes include illness, stress, ageing, and medical conditions. On the other hand, women are less likely to be affected by this condition.

There are many myths and misconceptions about male pattern baldness. One such claim is that too much testosterone causes the condition. However, there is no evidence that testosterone is the actual cause of balding.

Many doctors suggest that a man with male pattern baldness should consider wearing a hat to prevent sun damage. Sunburn can lead to skin problems, which can make the balding worse. Wearing a hat or suntan lotion can help prevent injury.

A doctor will ask about your family history and ask you to complete a dermoscopy, which reveals the thickness and spacing between the hair follicles. Dermoscopy is used to diagnose hair loss and determine whether you are experiencing a significant loss.

There are some reasons that men start to lose their hair. Symptoms of male pattern baldness can occur during puberty, early adulthood, or later in life. For some, it is a symptom of a severe medical condition, such as prostate cancer.