Getting rid of common stains

Stains are a pain, there’s no doubt about that! They can appear on your clothes, your carpet and on furniture, especially in workplaces where there is high traffic and drinks machines! Here are some top tips for dealing with some of the most common stains we see on a daily basis:

Before treating any stain, a little pre-treatment as soon as the stain occurs is recommended. The sooner a stain is pre-treated, the easier and more effective any removal attempts will be. When pre-treating, always test a little non-visible area first to check for discoloration or possible damage to the fabric.

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Red Wine Stains
A handful of salt should be applied to the stain as the salt absorbs the red colour from the wine. Apply some cold water and leave overnight. Then look at Integrated Washing Machines for the best stain removal technology. For details on Integrated Washing Machines, visit Wellingtons.

Scrape off any excess chocolate and use a soft toothbrush to spread around some detergent on the stain. Gently rub with the brush and allow to sit for ten minutes. Use some hot water to dab at the stain with a white, clean cloth until no more colour can be seen on the cloth.

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Chewing Gum
Hot vinegar applied with a paper towel for just under five minutes is the first thing to do. Then try to gently remove the gum and repeat the first step if necessary. Apply some hot water or wash the item on the hottest temperature available in a washing machine.