Four Tips to Help you Make your Bedroom More Sleep Friendly

One of the most important things that you need for your health is a good night’s sleep. One of the things that is needed to help you achieve this is a bedroom that you can relax in! If you are wanting to change your bedroom and improve your sleep, here are some of the things that you can do…

Get the Right Bed – The bed has to be right for you in order for you to have a comfortable night’s sleep. Your bed is also the main piece of furniture in the room, so you want it to look appealing as well as being comfortable! Have a look at various styles of bed that are available and also make sure that you choose a mattress that is suited to your needs.

If your mattress is old and has seen better days, it is time for a new one as you need to have the right support for your back when you sleep.

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Choose Colours that Relax you – Colours play a big part in how our brains relax and unwind, so make sure that you have soothing colours in your bedroom that help you to get to sleep. Earthy tones are a popular choice for bedrooms, such as calming neutrals and greens. Blue is also a calming colour. Avoiding bright colours that are too stimulating is the main thing to do when choosing colours for the bedroom, so bright reds and hot pinks are not really suited to a restful bedroom.

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Sort out your Storage – In order to feel relaxed, you want to make sure that you don’t have lots of clutter all around you! Have a clear out and improve your bedroom furniture – bespoke fitted wardrobes like this can help to solve your bedroom storage problems.

Adding underbed storage and blanket boxes also helps to find a home for all the things you keep in the bedroom without it looking messy and untidy.

Use Soft Lighting – When you go to bed at night, the last thing you want is a bright light in the room. However, you may want to read and get ready for bed, so use soft lighting in the room. A dimmer switch on the main light, as well as lamps can help to give you a more warm and cosy environment.