5 more great hot chocolate variations

As the long winter goes on, what better way to enjoy your time at home than by experimenting with some more hot chocolate variations. From white chocolate to flavours of the deep South, we have some fabulous ideas to add a chocolate twist to those cosy nights in.

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White hot chocolate

Hot chocolate with white chocolate? But of course! When you try this one you’ll wonder why you have not tried it sooner. You can make this with some of your favourite white chocolates. Simply grate and melt over a pan of simmering water. Be careful though, white chocolate has a lower melting point than milk or dark chocolate. So keep an eye on it so it doesn’t seize. Stir in to warm milk for a new twist on a classic.

Vanilla treats

Vanilla goes wonderfully well with all sweet treats, and it is well worth making vanilla the hero of a hot chocolate. Add some vanilla extract or vanilla paste to the warm milk. Never use vanilla essence, it does not have anywhere near the same depth of flavour. Top with cream and marshmallows for a gorgeous twist on an old favourite.

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Southern chocolate smooth

Whether you like a whisky or a bourbon, both of these classic tastes of the deep South work wonderfully well in a mug of hot chocolate. See what you already have in your cabinet, or take a tour of what the southern states can offer. Add a half shot to your mixed chocolate and milk and enjoy.

Brandy warmer

Brandy coffee is perhaps better known, so try a brandy hot chocolate too. Warming, soothing and classic, perfect for cosy nights in front of a roaring fire. If you want to upgrade to a wood burning stove Northern Ireland has plenty of reputable suppliers like http://www.stovebay.com/component/mijoshop/product/292-henley-druid-5kw-multi-fuel-stove#.XC9Un1z7SUl. Have a look around and find your inspiration.

Tropical hot chocolate

No, we haven’t gone mad. Tropical flavours work wonderfully well in hot chocolate. Another one for the adults, add some peach schnapps and coconut rum to your hot chocolate for a tropical and fruity lift to energise those cold frosty nights.

So upgrade your hot chocolate game this winter. With new recipes for kids and adults alike, we know you will be in hot chocolate heaven.