Online Hosted Business Fax System vs Traditional System

Finding the right solutions for your business means thinking beyond the traditional frontiers of phone service and into the advance technology of the internet which can save you time, effort and money when transferring your traditional phone system to an online phone system. Consider the many advantages of going online as opposed to sticking with traditional phone lines which can drop calls and are generally more expensive to operate that internet based phone systems.

One area in which VoIP or Voice over Internet Protocol phone systems do have the advantage is with handling your fax system. Traditionally, a fax system that was used by the employees of a company meant that you had to organize your work, print it out, go to the fax machine and send it on its way. Today, online hosted business fax systems have revolutionized how companies around the world use faxes in their business.

Online Hosted Business Fax System vs Traditional System

What are the advantages to an online hosted business fax system?

The first big advantage is reliability. With traditional fax systems you run the risk of having the call dropped in the middle of the fax, meaning you have to resend the information again. This takes time and effort away from what your employees could be doing with their work. With an online business fax system, you get great reliability because the internet technology has allowed for multiple redundant features to insure that your call is never dropped. The cloud-based servers of VoIP online phone systems mean that even if a single server should go down, there are several more to take its place and insure that your call goes through.

The second big advantage is mobility. Instead of being chained to your desk by printing out your online documents so you can take them to a fax machine, you can instead simply send them online directly to the fax machine of another business that’s around the corner or on the other side of the world. This means your employees can be anywhere there is an internet connection and send documents that will be printed out on a fax machine for your clients or customers to sign.

How does an online hosted business fax system help my clients and customers?

Since the VoIP system is on the internet, it’s not taking up a phone line and is never busy. This means that your clients can send you faxes and will never get a busy signal. Imagine the time and effort saved when you can make the connection 100% of the time. This means no more misunderstandings or frayed nerves because you won’t have to call your clients later to apologize for your fax line being busy. Now they can send you the information you need at any time of the day or night without worry.

Can an online hosted business fax system save me money?

One of the most subtle, yet prominent cost of any business is paper. A typical small business prints out an enormous amount of paper over a very short time and that cost can run up considerably over a single year. Can you imaging being able to save on your paper cost by not having to print out every document to be faxed. You save money, time and energy when you go with an online business fax system.