What does alcohol do to the brain?

Alcohol affects the brain quickly as it enters the blood. In a healthy person, the liver effectively distils the alcohol, helping the body to clear liquor. However, if a person drinks too much alcohol, the liver is not able to filter the alcohol fast enough, resulting in instant changes in the brain.

Over a prolonged period, too much alcohol damages both the heart and brain, resulting in permanent damage.

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Drinking too much alcohol has negative effects on neurotransmitters in the brain, reducing their effectiveness. Alcohol also destroys brain cells and brain tissue. Some people with a history of excessive alcohol abuse will develop nutritional deficiencies that cause further deterioration of brain function. Find out more about What is Korsakoff Syndrome at a site like https://www.arbdcare.co.uk/what-is-korsakoff-syndrome/

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Long-term effects:

Wernicke Korsakoff syndrome

One type of brain damage associated with alcohol is Korsakoff Syndrome, an acute brain dysfunction associated with alcohol.

The condition can occur in those who have a deficiency of vitamin B-1, also known as thiamine, which is caused by excessive alcohol consumption.

Some of the symptoms include:

Feelings of disorientation and confusion that continue after the time of being drunk


Poor nutrition leading to significant weight loss

Difficulty moving the eyes or odd and jerky eye movements

Poor balance

Korsakoff’s syndrome is a type of dementia that can also cause symptoms including memory problems, in particular, an inability to form new memories and poor judgement skills.