A Brief Guide to Why Nickel is so commonly used

Nickel is a highly abundant metal and one of the most used metals all over the world. It is used in everything from watches to dental fillings. What is it about nickel that makes it so useful? Well, I’ll let you in on a little secret – the white coating on the surface of nickel is actually a very good conductor of heat and is a great alternative to stainless steel (which is susceptible to corrosion).

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Another reason that nickel is so commonly used is because of its affordability. At the start of the 20th century, many countries were struggling with their economies and were looking for ways to produce more infrastructure at lower costs. One solution that was experimented with was to use cast iron as an alloy, but this proved to be too problematic to mass manufacture. Instead, the alloy that became popular was nickel-zinc. Nickel combined with zinc to create a much stronger metal than any other metal that had been tried before. For more information on Nickel Composites, visit https://www.poeton.co.uk/advanced-treatments/apticote-480-advanced-nickel-composite/

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Apart from the fact that it is extremely useful in a wide variety of industries, you will also find that it is relatively inexpensive and easily obtainable. You can also find a lot of it in common plumbing fixtures. If you want to use nickel to coat your products, consider a specialist in nickel coating, such as Poeton.